Old and new
Maija Kurseva
The ideas of the artist are often rotating around personal reflections on the process of creating a piece of art, submission of space to idea by using visually concise means of expression. Despite extensive use of media, drawing has always been the foundation of the ideas of the artist and functions as the means for the recording of daily thoughts. The artist herself talks about her black line work series: “I am trapping myself in the line segment, behind the table. I close my eyes and try to imagine. Nothing. Empty space. Unclear wish, unstoppable desire. Your breath held, firm hand, black line, which marks time. A point, where it starts is limitless present. The drawing in front of me is the beginning of the future. Page after page becomes past. The only phenomenon that a drawing represents is that time has passed, while it was being drawn. The line of the sheet is flat, a slip of paper is a line in space.”